function OW_Class() { var THIS = this; this.isClient = !0, this.debug = !1, this.runMode = 0, this.cacheOpen = !1, this.htmlCacheOpen = !1, this.isStaticHtml = function() { return 2 == THIS.runMode ? !0 : THIS.htmlCacheOpen ? !0 : !1 }, this.logined = !1, this.sitePath = "", this.siteUrl = "", this.siteHurl = "", this.siteHtmlFileSuffix = "", this.ucenterHurl = "", this.searchUrl = "", this.loginUrl = "", this.logoutUrl = "", this.regUrl = "", this.forgetPasswordUrl = "", this.moneySb = "", this.ctl = "", this.rootpath = "", this.urlpath = "", = "", this.typeid = "", this.orderby = "", this.time = "", this.timer = "", this.encryptKey = "", this.uid = 0, this.username = "", this.nickname = "", this.ussKey = "", this.gid = 0, = 0, this.shoppingIsNeedLogin = 1, this.cartUrl = "", this.orderUrl = "", = function() { return new Date }, this.c1t = "", this.c2t = "", this.c3t = "", this.c4t = "", this.currentURL = function() { return window.location.href }, this.client = "", = "", = "", = "", this.member = "", = "", = "", this.cookie = new Cookie_Class, this.JSON = new JSON_Class, this.encrypt = new Encrypt_Class, this.ajaxData = "", this.ajax = function(a) { var c = (a.follow, a.async === !1 ? !1 : !0), d = a.url, e =, f = a.success || function() {}, g = a.failed || function() {}; $.ajax({ type: "post", dataType: "html", async: c, url: d + "&return_type=json&r=" + OW.random(), data: e, error: function(a, b, c) { var d = ""; OW.isNotNull(a.responseText) && (OW.debug ? (d = d + "textStatus : " + b + "
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" + d + "
" }).timeout(4)) : OWDialog({ id: OW.createDialogID(), content: "鍝庡晩锛屾湇鍔″櫒鍒氬紑浜嗕竴涓嬪皬宸紒" }).timeout(4)), }, success: function(a) { var b, c, d, e = '{"result":"failed","message":"' + escape("绯荤粺杩斿洖閿欒锛屾搷浣滃け璐ワ紒") + '"}'; d = a, OW.isNull(d) && (d = e); try { d = $.parseJSON(d) } catch(h) { d = $.parseJSON(e) } if (OW.ajaxData = d, "success" == d.result); else { if (c = unescape(d.message), OW.isNull(c)) for (c = "", b = 0; b < d.messages.length; b++) c = c + "" + unescape(d.messages[b].message) + "
"; OW.debug && (c = c + "
" + a + "
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(b = OW.rep(a, "-", "/"), c = b.split(" "), d = parseInt([0].split("/")[0])), e = parseInt([0].split("/")[1])) - 1, f = parseInt([0].split("/")[2])), g = parseInt([1].split(":")[0])), h = parseInt([1].split(":")[1])), i = parseInt([1].split(":")[2])), j = new Date(d, e, f, g, h, i), j) : a }, this.dateAdd = function(a, b, c) { switch ("string" == typeof c && (c = OW.toDate(c)), a) { case "y": return new Date(c.setFullYear(c.getFullYear() + b)); case "m": return new Date(c.setMonth(c.getMonth() + b)); case "d": return new Date(c.setDate(c.getDate() + b)); case "w": return new Date(c.setDate(c.getDate() + 7 * b)); case "h": return new Date(c.setHours(c.getHours() + b)); case "n": return new Date(c.setMinutes(c.getMinutes() + b)); case "s": return new Date(c.setSeconds(c.getSeconds() + b)); case "l": return new Date(c.setMilliseconds(c.getMilliseconds() + b)) } }, this.dateDiff = function(a, b, c) { try { switch ("string" == typeof b && (b = OW.toDate(b)), "string" == typeof c && (c = OW.toDate(c)), a) { case "s": return parseInt((c - b) / 1e3); case "n": return parseInt((c - b) / 6e4); case "h": return parseInt((c - b) / 36e5); case "d": return parseInt((c - b) / 864e5); case "w": return parseInt((c - b) / 6048e5); case "m": return c.getMonth() + 1 + 12 * (c.getFullYear() - b.getFullYear()) - (b.getMonth() + 1); case "y": return c.getFullYear() - b.getFullYear() } } catch(d) {} }, this.timeOutTip = function(a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g = "", h = a.time, i =, j = a.section, k = a.d, l = a.h, m = a.n, n = a.s; OW.isNotNull(h) && (h = OW.toDate(h), timeDiff = OW.dateDiff("s", i, h), timeDiff > 0 && (60 >= timeDiff ? g = timeDiff + n: timeDiff > 60 && 5400 >= timeDiff ? (d = / 60), e = timeDiff - 60 * d, g = e > 0 ? d + m + e + n: d + m) : timeDiff > 5400 && 86400 >= timeDiff ? (c = / 3600), f = timeDiff - 3600 * c, d = / 60), e = f - 60 * d, g = e > 0 ? c + l + d + m + e + n: c + l + d + m) : (b = / 86400), f = timeDiff - 86400 * b, c = / 3600), f -= 3600 * c, d = / 60), e = f - 60 * d, g = e > 0 ? b + k + c + l + d + m + e + n: b + k + c + l + d + m), j.html(g), i = OW.dateAdd("s", 1, i), a = { d: k, h: l, n: m, s: n, time: h, now: i, section: j }, window.setTimeout(function() { OW.timeOutTip(a) }, 1e3))) }, this.timeAgoTip = function(a, b, c) { var d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k = "", l = a.y, m = a.m, n = a.w, o = a.d, p = a.h, q = a.n, r = a.s, s = a.z || ""; return b = OW.toDate(b), c = OW.toDate(c), d = OW.dateDiff("y", b, c), e = OW.dateDiff("m", b, c), f = OW.dateDiff("w", b, c), g = OW.dateDiff("d", b, c), h = OW.dateDiff("h", b, c), i = OW.dateDiff("n", b, c), j = OW.dateDiff("s", b, c), 0 >= j && (k = s), j > 0 && (k = j + r), i > 0 && (k = i + q), h > 0 && (k = h + p), g > 0 && (k = g + o), f > 0 && g > 7 && (k = f + n), e > 0 && f > 4 && (k = e + m), d > 0 && e > 12 && (k = d + l), k }, this.delay = function(a, b) { window.setTimeout(function() { }, a) }, this.echoAdData = function(a, b) { var c = $("#ow_ad_" + a).attr("data"); if (!OW.isNull(c)) for (json = OW.JSON.parse(c), i = 0; i < json.length; i++) s = b, s = OW.rep(s, "{$i}", i + 1), s = OW.rep(s, "{$link}", json[i].link), s = OW.rep(s, "{$name}", json[i].name), s = OW.rep(s, "{$url}", json[i].url), document.write(s); $("script[id='" + a + "']").remove() }, this.echoImagesData = function(a, b) { if (!OW.isNull(a)) for (a = OW.rep(a, """, '"'), json = OW.JSON.parse(a), i = 0; i < json.length; i++) s = b, s = OW.rep(s, "{$i}", i + 1), s = OW.rep(s, "{$name}", json[i].name), s = OW.rep(s, "{$url}", json[i].url), document.write(s) }, this.enterClick = function(a) { $(document).keydown(function(b) { var c; b = b ? b: window.event ? window.event: null, c = b.keyCode ? b.keyCode: b.which, 13 == c && }) }, this.filename = function(a) { var b, c, d, e, f = a.split("/"); return e = f[f.length - 1], b = OW.filename.arguments, b.length > 1 && (c = b[1], 0 == c.exName && (d = e.lastIndexOf("."), d > 0 && (e = OW.left(e, d)))), e }, this.fileExName = function(a) { if (a = $.trim(a), "" != a) { var b = a.split("."); return b[b.length - 1] } return "" }, this.getSubDomain = function(a) { if ("" == a || null == a) a = ""; else { var b = a.split("."); a = "www" == b[0] ? b[1] : b[0] } return a }, this.goBack = function() { history.go( - 1) }, this.iif = function(a, b, c) { return a ? b: c }, = function(a) { return "" == a || null == a ? 0 : (a += "", "px" == OW.right(a, 2) ? (a = a.replace(/[^0-9.-]*/g, ""), "" == a && (a = "0"), a = parseInt(a)) : (a = a.replace(/[^0-9.-]*/g, ""), "" == a && (a = 0), a = parseInt(a)), a) }, this.indexOf = function(a, b) { return OW.isNull(a) ? -1 : a.indexOf(b) }, this.isIE = function() { return window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("IE") >= 0 ? !0 : !1 }, this.isFirefox = function() { return window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") >= 0 ? !0 : !1 }, this.isWebKit = function() { return window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("WebKit") >= 0 ? !0 : !1 }, this.isChrome = function() { return window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") >= 0 ? !0 : !1 }, this.isOpera = function() { return window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") >= 0 ? !0 : !1 }, this.isWeixinAgent = function() { return window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MicroMessenger") >= 0 ? !0 : !1 }, this.isEmail = function(a) { return - 1 !="email")) ? !0 : !1 }, this.isFlash = function(a) { var b = OW.fileExName(a); return "swf" == b ? !0 : !1 }, this.isImage = function(a) { var b = OW.fileExName(a); return "jpg" == b || "jpeg" == b || "gif" == b || "png" == b || "bmp" == b || "ico" == b ? !0 : !1 }, this.isInArray = function(a, b) { var c, d = !1; for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) if (a[c] == b) { d = !0; break } return d }, this.isNull = function(a) { var b = $.trim(a); return null == b ? !0 : "undefined" == b ? !0 : "" == b ? b === !1 || b === !0 ? !1 : !0 : !1 }, this.isNotNull = function(a) { return ! OW.isNull(a) }, this.objExist = function(a) { return OW.isObjExist(a) }, this.isObjExist = function(a) { return null == a || "undefined" == a || void 0 == a || null == a.html() ? !1 : !0 }, this.isInArray = function(a, b) { var d, c = !1; if (a.length > 0) for (d = 0; d < a.length; d++) if (b == a[d]) { c = !0; break } return c }, this.isValidDataime = function(a) { var b = !1; return OW.isNull(a) || "1900" != OW.left(a, 4) && (b = !0), b }, this.isValidMobile = function(a) { var b = !1; return a = OW.parseMobile(a), OW.isNull(a) || 11 == a.length && "1" == OW.left(a, 1) && (b = !0), b }, this.leftString = function(a, b) { var c = a.length, d = OW.left(a, b); return c > b && (d += " ..."), d }, this.left = function(a, b) { return "" == a || void 0 == a || 1 > b ? "": a.substring(0, b) }, this.right = function(a) { if (OW.isNull(a)) return ""; a += ""; var c = a.length; return a = a.substring(c - 2, c) }, this.listOrderBy = function(a) { var b = a.obj; b.each(function() { var a = $(this).attr("orderby"), b = OW.listOrderByURL(a); OW.orderby == a ? $(this).addClass("current") : $(this).removeClass("current"), $(this).click(function() { OW.redirect(b) }) }) }, this.listOrderByURL = function(a) { var b = ""; return b = OW.isNull(OW.rootpath) ? > 0 ? OW.c2t: OW.c1t: > 0 ? OW.c3t: OW.c3t, b.replace("{$rootpath}", OW.rootpath).replace("{$urlpath}", OW.urlpath).replace("{$page}","{$typeid}", OW.typeid).replace("{$orderby}", a) }, this.onblur = function(me, opt) { var v = $(me).val(), rep = opt.rep, length = opt.length; rep && (v = v.replace(eval(rep), "")), length && (v = v.substring(0, length)), $(me).val($.trim(v)) }, this.openPage = function(a) { window.location.href = a }, this.openNewPage = function(a) { }, this.parseBankCode = function(a) { var b = ""; return OW.isNull(a) || (b = a.replace(/[^0-9a-zA-Z\-\_]*/g, "")), b }, this.parseFloat = function(a) { return OW.isNull(a) ? 0 : parseFloat(a) }, this.parseFormInputValue = function(a) { var b, c = a.form; c.find("input").each(function() { b = $.trim($(this).val()), $(this).val(b) }) }, this.parseMobile = function(a) { return a.replace(/[^0-9]*/g, "") }, this.parseMobileCode = function(a) { return OW.left(a.replace(/[^0-9]*/g, ""), 6) }, this.parseUsername = function(a) { return a.replace(/[^0-9a-zA-Z\.\-\_]*/g, "") }, this.parseMoney = function(a) { return a = OW.parseFloat(a), a = a.toFixed(2), a = OW.parseFloat(a) }, this.parsePrice = function(a) { return OW.isNull(a) || "0" == a ? "0.00": (a = OW.parseMoney(a), a = a.toFixed(2)) }, this.parseVal = function(a) { return ("undefined" == a || void 0 == a) && (a = ""), a }, this.random = function() { return parseInt(1e5 * Math.random()) }, this.redirect = function(a, b) { b =, b = parseInt(b - 1), b > 0 ? ($("#redirect_timeout").html(b), window.setTimeout(function() { OW.redirect(a, b) }, 1e3)) : window.location.href = a }, this.refresh = function() { OWDialog({ id: "refresh_" + OW.createDialogID(), content: "椤甸潰鍒锋柊涓?..", shadow: !1 }).padding("13px 20px").position(), window.location.reload() }, this.pageLoading = function() { OWDialog({ id: "loading_" + OW.createDialogID(), content: "椤甸潰鍔犺浇涓?..", shadow: !1 }).padding("13px 20px").position() }, this.rep = function(str, rule, s) { return OW.isNull(str) ? "": (rule = rule.replace(/\$/g, "\\$"), eval("str.replace(/" + rule + "/g,s)")) }, this.reps = function(a, b, c) { return OW.isNull(a) ? "": a.replace(b, c) }, this.rule = function(a) { switch (a) { case "email": return /^\w+((-\w+)|(\.\w+))*\@[A-Za-z0-9]+((\.|-)[A-Za-z0-9]+)*\.[A-Za-z0-9]+$/; case "domain": return /[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62}(\.[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62})+\.?/; case "site_url": return ""; case "img": return "img"; default: return ! 1 } }, this.scrollTop = function(a) { var b = 1; { for (var a = document.body.scrollHeight - 1; a && (window.scrollTo(0, a), a > 200 ? (a = a - 2 - b, b += 5) : a -= 2, !(0 > a));); }) }, this.documentScrollTop = function() { return parseInt(document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop) }, this.setDisabled = function(a, b) { 1 == b ? a.addClass("disabled").attr("disabled", !0) : a.removeClass("disabled").attr("disabled", !1) }, this.tabSwitch = function(a) { var b = a.current || 1, c = || "tab", d = a.tabbar, e = a.container; d.find("[name='" + c + "'][" + c + "='" + b + "']").addClass("current"), e.find("[is_" + c + "='true'][" + c + "!='" + b + "']").hide(), d.find("[name='" + c + "']").click(function() { var a =$(this).attr(c)); $(this).addClass("current"), d.find("[name='" + c + "'][" + c + "!='" + a + "']").removeClass("current"), e.find("[is_" + c + "='true'][" + c + "!='" + a + "']").hide(0), e.find("[is_" + c + "='true'][" + c + "='" + a + "']").show(50) }) }, this.timeoutTime = 0, this.timeoutFinish = {}, this.timeoutDisplay = function(a) { OW.timeoutTime > 0 ? (OW.timeoutTime = OW.timeoutTime - 1, a.html(OW.timeoutTime), window.setTimeout(function() { OW.timeoutDisplay(a) }, 1e3)) : }, this.toString = function(a) { return a.toString() }, this.trim = function(a) { return $.trim(a) }, this.urlEncode = function(a) { return a = OW.isNotNull(a) ? encodeURIComponent(a) : "" }, this.verifyCode = function(a) { var b = a.boxer || $("#verifycode"), c = a.path || THIS.sitePath, d = OW.random(); b.append(''), b.html('鐐瑰嚮鍒锋柊鍒锋柊'), b.find("img,a[name='fresh']").click(function() { OW.verifyCode(a) }) }, = function() { var a = ">l>i>n>x>i>a>o>d>o>n>g>"; return OW.rep(a, ">", "") }, this.verifyCodeValueBlur = function(a) { OW.isObjExist(a) && a.blur(function() { $(this).val(OW.parseVerifyCode($(this).val())) }) }, this.verifyCodeValueFocus = function(a, b) { OW.isObjExist(a) && a.focus(function() { OW.isNull(b.html()) && OW.verifyCode({ boxer: b }) }) }, this.parseVerifyCode = function(a) { return OW.left(OW.trim(a).replace(/[^0-9]*/g, ""), 5) }, this.regionJson = [], this.subRegion = [], this.currentPath = "", this.regionSelectFinished = {}, this.isRegionSelected = function(a, b) { var c = THIS.currentPath.split(","); return a == c[b] ? !0 : !1 }, this.createRegionSelect = function(a, b, c) { THIS.regionJson = OWRegion || [], "" != c && (THIS.currentPath = c); var d, e = THIS.regionJson, f = !1; for (s = '", a.append(s), d = a.find("select[name='" + b + "']"), f && THIS.createSubRegion(a, b + "_2", d.find("option:selected").attr("path"), THIS.regionJson), d.change(function() {$(this).val()) > 0 ? THIS.createSubRegion(a, b + "_2", $(this).find("option:selected").attr("path"), THIS.regionJson) : a.find("select[depth!='1']").remove() }) }, this.createSubRegion = function(a, b, c, d) { var e, f, g, h; if (THIS.getRegionJson(c, THIS.regionJson), d = THIS.subRegion, f = !1, h = c.split(",").length - 1, d.length > 0) { for (a.find("select").each(function() {$(this).attr("depth")) >= h && $(this).remove() }), g = '", a.append(g), e = a.find("select[name='" + b + "']"), f && THIS.createSubRegion(a, b + "_" + (h + 1), e.find("option:selected").attr("path"), THIS.regionJson), e.change(function() {$(this).val()) > 0 ? THIS.createSubRegion(a, b + "_" + (h + 1), $(this).find("option:selected").attr("path")) : a.find("select").each(function() {$(this).attr("depth")) > h && $(this).remove() }) }) } else { a.find("select").each(function() {$(this).attr("depth")) >= h && $(this).remove() }); try { THIS.regionSelectFinished(c).call() } catch(j) {} $("span[name='t_order_region']").removeClass("t-err").html("") } }, this.getRegionJson = function(a, b) { var c, d, e = a.split(","); for (THIS.subRegion = [], c = 0; c < b.length; c++) for (d = 0; d < e.length; d++) if ([d]) > 0 && b[c].i == e[d]) { if (d == e.length - 2) { THIS.subRegion = b[c].c; break } THIS.getRegionJson(a, b[c].c); break } }, this.getMobileCode = function(a) { var b = a.mb, c =, d = a.getmc, e ="timeout")), f = a.url, g = a.vv || {}, h = || {}, i = a.isHide, j = a.vcodeOpen; b.blur(function() { $(this).val(OW.parseMobile($(this).val())) }), c.blur(function() { $(this).val(OW.parseMobileCode($(this).val())) }), b.focus(), { var a, c, k, o, l = !0, m = b.val(), n = b.attr("scode_name"); OW.isValidMobile(m) || (OWDialog().alert("璇峰~鍐欐纭殑鎵嬫満鍙风爜").position().timeout(2), l = !1, b.focus()), OW.objExist(h) && 1 == j && (OW.objExist(h) && (a = h.find("input[name='verifycode_name']")), 1 =="need_refresh")) && (OW.verifyCode({ boxer: h }), g.attr("need_refresh", "0").val("").focus().parent().parent().show()), c = OW.trim(a.val()), k = OW.trim(g.val()), OW.isNull(k) && l && (OWDialog().alert("璇峰~鍐欓獙璇佺爜锛?).position().timeout(2), l = !1, g.focus())), l && (o = OWDialog().posting("姝e湪鍙戦€佺煭淇¢獙璇佺爜..."), OW.ajax({ url: f, data: "mobile=" + OW.encrypt.encode(m) + "&scode_name=" + n + "&verifycode_name=" + c + "&verifycode_value=" + k, success: function() { d.addClass("disabled").attr("disabled", "disabled").html("宸插彂閫佺煭淇?" + e + ")"), OW.timeoutTime = d.attr("timeout"), OW.timeoutFinish = function() { d.removeClass("disabled").attr("disabled", "").html("閲嶆柊鑾峰彇楠岃瘉鐮?) }, OW.timeoutDisplay(d.find("i")), o.success("楠岃瘉鐮佸凡鍙戦€侊紝璇锋煡鐪嬫墜鏈虹煭淇★紒").position().timeout(3), g.attr("need_refresh", "1"), i && g.parent().parent().hide() }, failed: function(a) { o.error("楠岃瘉鐮佸彂閫佸け璐ワ紝璇锋煡鐪嬩互涓嬮敊璇彁绀轰俊鎭?, a).position().timeout(4), OW.indexOf(a, "鎵嬫満鍙风爜") >= 0 && b.focus(), OW.indexOf(a, "楠岃瘉鐮?) >= 0 && (OW.verifyCode({ boxer: h }), g.val("").focus()) } })) }) }, this.webScreenHeight = function() { return parseInt(document.documentElement.clientHeight) }, this.webScreenWidth = function() { return OW.isFirefox() || OW.isIE() || OW.isWebKit() ? 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d: "" })); var c = {}; return c.dialog = a("#" +, c.shadow = a("#" + + "_shadow"), c.title = a("#" + + "_title"), c.content = a("#" + + "_content"), c.close = a("#" + + "_close"), c.buttons = a("#" + + "_buttons"), c.timeout = a("#" + + "_timeout"), b.shadow && a("#" + + "_shadow").show(), b.close || a("#" + + "_close").hide(), OW.move(document.getElementById( + "_titleBar"), document.getElementById(, c }, button: function() { var g, h, i, j, k, d = this.dom.buttons, e = this.Listeners = this.Listeners || {}, f = []; for (g = 0; g < f.length; g++) val = f[g], h = val.value, i = || h, j = !e[i], k = j ? document.createElement("button") : e[i].button, k.className = "btn", e[i] || (e[i] = {}), h && a(k).html(h), val.important && a(k).addClass("btn-primary"), val.remove && a(k).remove(), val.callback && (e[i].callback = val.callback), k[c + "callback"] = i, val.disabled ? 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"": '"form_' + i + '":{' + d + "}", this.formData = h, this.formJsonData = d }, getVerifyCodeData: function() { this.getVerifyCodeData = "verifycode_name=" + this.config.form.find("input[name='verifycode_name']") + "&verifycode_value=" + this.config.form.find("input[name='verifycode_value']") }, verify: function() { var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, b = !0, j = this.config.form; $elems = j.find("input:not(:checkbox,:radio),textarea,select"), $radios = j.find("input:checkbox,input:radio"), $elems.each(function() { c = a(this).attr("name"), d = a(this).attr("datatype") || "", e = a(this).attr("errmsg") || "", g = a(this).attr("tips") || "", f = a(this).val(), h = j.find("span[name='t_" + c + "']"), "*" == d && (OW.isNull(f) ? (OW.isObjExist(i) || (i = a(this)), a(this).focus(), h.addClass("t-err").html(e + OW.iif(OW.isNotNull(g), "(" + g + ")", "")), b = !1) : (a(this).attr("valid_focus", "false"), h.removeClass("t-err").html(g))) }), $radios.each(function() { c = a(this).attr("name"), d = a(this).attr("datatype") || "", e = a(this).attr("errmsg") || "", g = a(this).attr("tips") || "", f = a(this).val(), h = j.find("span[name='t_" + c + "']"), "*" == d && (j.find("input[name='" + c + "']:checked").length >= 1 ? h.removeClass("t-err").html(g) : (h.addClass("t-err").html(e), a(this).focus(), b = !1)) }), 0 == b && i.focus(), this.result = b } }, c.fn.constructor.prototype = c.fn, c.defaults = { form: null, initialize: null }, OWValidForm = c } } function Cookie_Class() { var a = this; this.cookiePre = "", this.cookieDomain = "", this.cookiePath = "", this.cookieSecure = !1, this.setCookie = function() { var g, h, i, b = a.setCookie.arguments, c = a.setCookie.arguments.length, d = OW.isNull(b[4]) ? a.cookiePath: b[4], e = OW.isNull(b[5]) ? a.cookieDomain: b[5]; return OW.isNull(b[6]) ? a.cookieSecure: b[6], 2 > c ? !1 : (g = a.cookiePre + b[0], h = g + "=" + a.encode(b[1]), c >= 3 && (i = new Date, i.setTime(i.getTime() + b[2]), h += "; expires=" + i.toGMTString()), h += OW.isNull(d) ? "": "; path=" + d, h += OW.isNull(e) ? "": "; domain=" + e, h += 1 == b[5] ? "; secure": "", h.length <= 4e3 ? (document.cookie = h, !0) : confirm("Cookie exceeds 4KB and will be cut!") ? (document.cookie = h, !0) : void 0) }, this.getCookie = function(b) { var d, e, f, g, h, i, j, c = ""; for (b.indexOf(":") > 0 && (c = b.split(":")[1], b = b.split(":")[0]), d = a.cookiePre + b + "=", e = document.cookie.split(";"), i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { for (f = unescape(e[i]); " " == f.charAt(0);) f = f.substring(1, f.length); if (0 == f.indexOf(d)) { if (g = a.decode(f.substring(d.length, f.length)), "" != c) for (h = g.split("&"), g = "", j = 0; j < h.length; j++) c == h[j].split("=")[0] && (g = h[j].split("=")[1]); return g } } return "" }, this.remove = function(b) { a.setCookie(b, "") }, this.encode = function(a) { return unescape(a) }, this.decode = function(a) { return unescape(unescape(a)) } } function JSON_Class() { this.parse = function(a) { return $.parseJSON(a) }, this.toString = function(a) { return JSON.stringify(a) }, this.toJSONString = function(a) { return JSON.stringify(a) }, this.del = function(a, b) { var c, d, e; for (a = parseInt(a), c = b.length, d = 0; c > d; d++) if (d == a) { for (e = d + 1; c > e; e++) b[e - 1] = b[e]; b.length-- } return b } } function closeDialog(a) { var b = a || {}, c = b.refresh === !0 ? !0 : !1, d = b.callBack || {}, e = $("iframe[dialog='true']"), f = e.attr("id").replace("_iframe", ""); if ($("#" + f + ",#" + f + "_shadow").delayRemove(100), c) OW.refresh(); else try { } catch(g) {} } function Encrypt_Class() { this.aes5 = function(a) { a = OW.encrypt.getByteArray(a); for (var d, e, g, h, i, b = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "+", "/", "="], c = "", f = "", j = "", k = 0, l = a.length, m = l - l % 3; m > k;) d = a[k++], e = a[k++], f = a[k++], g = d >> 2, h = (3 & d) << 4 | e >> 4, i = (15 & e) << 2 | f >> 6, j = 63 & f, c += b[g] + b[h] + b[i] + b[j]; return 2 == l - m ? (d = a[k++], e = a[k++], c += b[d >> 2] + b[(3 & d) << 4 | e >> 4] + b[(15 & e) << 2] + "=") : 1 == l - m && (d = a[k++], c += b[d >> 2] + b[(3 & d) << 4] + "=="), c }, this.encode = function(a) { return a = OW.encrypt.aes5(a), a = "OW" + a.replace(/=/g, ".").replace("a", "1L1LWA").replace("b", "2Z2ZWB").replace("c", "3V3VWC").replace("d", "4X4XWD").replace("e", "5Y5YWD") }, this.getByteArray = function(a) { var d, f, b = a.length, c = 0, e = []; if (0 >= b) return []; for (; b > c;) d = a.charCodeAt(c), 127 > d ? e.push(d) : (f = OW.encrypt.utoutf8(d), f > 16777215 ? e.push(a >>> 24, 255 & a >> 16, 255 & a >> 8, 255 & a) : f > 65535 ? e.push(f >> 16, 255 & f >> 8, 255 & f) : f > 255 && e.push(f >> 8, 255 & f)), c++; return e }, this.utoutf8 = function(a) { var b, c, d, e, f; return 127 >= a ? a: 2047 >= a ? (b = 192 | a >> 6, c = 128 | 63 & a, b << 8 | c) : 65535 >= a ? (b = 224 | a >> 12, c = 128 | 63 & a >> 6, d = 128 | 63 & a, b << 16 | c << 8 | d) : 1114111 >= a ? (b = 240 | a >> 18, c = 128 | 63 & a >> 12, d = 128 | 63 & a >> 6, e = 128 | 63 & a, f = b << 24 | c << 16 | d << 8 | e, 0 > f && (f += 4294967296), f) : 0 } } var OWDialog, OWValidForm, OW = new OW_Class; OW.DIALOG_Class(this.jQuery, this), OW.VALIDFORM_Class(this.jQuery, this), jQuery.fn.extend({ delayRemove: function(a) { var b = this; b.hide(a), window.setTimeout(function() { b.remove() }, a) } }), this.JSON = {}, function() { "use strict"; function f(a) { return 10 > a ? "0" + a: a } function quote(a) { return escapable.lastIndex = 0, escapable.test(a) ? '"' + a.replace(escapable, function(a) { var b = meta[a]; return "string" == typeof b ? b: "\\u" + ("0000" + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice( - 4) }) + '"': '"' + a + '"' } function str(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, h, g = gap, i = b[a]; switch (i && "object" == typeof i && "function" == typeof i.toJSON && (i = i.toJSON(a)), "function" == typeof rep && (i =, a, i)), typeof i) { case "string": return quote(i); case "number": return isFinite(i) ? String(i) : "null"; case "boolean": case "null": return String(i); case "object": if (!i) return "null"; if (gap += indent, h = [], "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.apply(i)) { for (f = i.length, c = 0; f > c; c += 1) h[c] = str(c, i) || "null"; return e = 0 === h.length ? "[]": gap ? "[\n" + gap + h.join(",\n" + gap) + "\n" + g + "]": "[" + h.join(",") + "]", gap = g, e } if (rep && "object" == typeof rep) for (f = rep.length, c = 0; f > c; c += 1) d = rep[c], "string" == typeof d && (e = str(d, i), e && h.push(quote(d) + (gap ? ": ": ":") + e)); else for (d in i), d) && (e = str(d, i), e && h.push(quote(d) + (gap ? ": ": ":") + e)); return e = 0 === h.length ? "{}": gap ? "{\n" + gap + h.join(",\n" + gap) + "\n" + g + "}": "{" + h.join(",") + "}", gap = g, e } } "function" != typeof Date.prototype.toJSON && (Date.prototype.toJSON = function() { return isFinite(this.valueOf()) ? this.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "-" + f(this.getUTCDate()) + "T" + f(this.getUTCHours()) + ":" + f(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + f(this.getUTCSeconds()) + "Z": null }, String.prototype.toJSON = Number.prototype.toJSON = Boolean.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this.valueOf() }); var cx = /[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g, escapable = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g, gap, indent, meta = { "\b": "\\b", " ": "\\t", "\n": "\\n", "\f": "\\f", "\r": "\\r", '"': '\\"', "\\": "\\\\" }, rep; "function" != typeof JSON.stringify && (JSON.stringify = function(a, b, c) { var d; if (gap = "", indent = "", "number" == typeof c) for (d = 0; c > d; d += 1) indent += " "; else "string" == typeof c && (indent = c); if (rep = b, b && "function" != typeof b && ("object" != typeof b || "number" != typeof b.length)) throw new Error("JSON.stringify"); return str("", { "": a }) }), "function" != typeof JSON.parse && (JSON.parse = function(text, reviver) { function walk(a, b) { var c, d, e = a[b]; if (e && "object" == typeof e) for (c in e), c) && (d = walk(e, c), void 0 !== d ? e[c] = d: delete e[c]); return, b, e) } var j; if (text = String(text), cx.lastIndex = 0, cx.test(text) && (text = text.replace(cx, function(a) { return "\\u" + ("0000" + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice( - 4) })), /^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(text.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, "@").replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, "]").replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ""))) return j = eval("(" + text + ")"), "function" == typeof reviver ? walk({ "": j }, "") : j; throw new SyntaxError("JSON.parse") }) } ();